Sunday, June 28, 2009

Web 3.0

As part of my job as a faculty member and supposed technology "guru" I both track new technologies, and also consult on how to capitalize on technology advances. Right now there is plenty of speculation about Web 3.0. The current term "Web 2.0" describes the conversion of web technologies to allow facilitate communication and social networking. So what will Web 3.0 be?

I'll cut right to the chase - Web 3.0 is all about a custom experience for the individual. Right now the web does have a level of personalization - I personally consider the tools and gadgets that I use from iGoogle a very convenient personalization. But to understand Web 3.0 I will need to fast forward you into the future.

At 6 AM your computer wakes you up and reminds you that you asked it to remind you that you wanted to go for a run this morning. Since your first morning meeting is 9 AM, it has determined that you can get in 4-5 miles before showering and have time for breakfast and work. It has preloaded music on your iPod based on your preferences and what you listened too on previous workouts. After your run and shower, the computer goes over your daily schedule and to-do list so you will be ready for the day. It also suggests to schedule a lunch meeting with a client and after your OK contacts the client to get a confirmation. It will get back to you as soon as it gets confirmation - and lets you know.

The latest news based entirely on your interests have been loaded into your car system so that you can listen on the way to work. While you drive, and listen - the car informs you on an incoming call to confirm your lunch meeting and suggests a location (which you confirm). As you arrive at work you realize that need to grant access to one of your friends into your house. Your work computer informs your home system to allow the person into the house based on a positive facial recognition.

I can easily continue this - but the concept is simple. Web 3.0 is all about 2 concepts - customization and convenience. Over the next 10 years this technology will converge to allow you to customize the services you use - and most people will use this ability to add a level of convenenience to their lives.

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